Long time no blog!

Pattern Review: Vogue 8870 

I overcame my lack of sewing mojo in the past month, but it looks as though my blog has been a bit neglected. I am all finished with my March garment of the month, but I haven't had a chance to photograph it yet. To tie you guys over here is an oldie that is yet to make it to the blog. It's a modified version of Vogue 8870.

I finished this before my trip to Australia back last year. However, the hand picked invisible zipper was so terrible I vowed to rip it out and just sew up the back seam seeing as I can pull this dress on over my head without using the zipper.

I used the bodice of Vogue 8870 and drafted the skirt from a RTW dress from my wardrobe. I think that it worked out pretty well, although I would definitely come up with a better construction order. When you look at the inside of the dress you can tell I was winging it!

I have previously made this pattern here, and as you can see the bodice is tad more blouson. For this version in a woven I still cut a medium and it worked out fine with less ease. The fabric is a lovely rayon viscose priced at $5 per yard. I picked this up from Windmill Fabrics, Boston USA back in November 2014. I lined it with some black stretch lining from Simply Fabrics in Brixton priced at £1 per metre. 

I am loving being able to pair this dress with tights and boots at the moment. I really enjoying the pop of colour from the sunflowers. I cannot wait to be wearing it again with sandals in the summer! I will definitely be making this again. I am kicking myself for procrastinating and taking to redo the back zipper. 

You can see my Pattern Review here. 

Stay tuned for my belated March Garment of the Month!

Happy Sewing!


  1. This fabric (the pattern and its colour) is glorious! Such a nice boost of sunniness, love it.
    My blog posting is also not great. I seem to want to publish several on one day and then forget about my blog for weeks on end. I hope you get to put up your next post soon, it would be lovely to see your March project.

    Combining different patterns for the elements that fit you, that's terrific. It must be wonderful to have those to go to. I would love to do that kind of thing.

    Good luck with sewing, and blogging! Enjoy.


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