French Florals & Happy Birthday to Me!

Pattern Review - Simplicity 1884

Looks as though I am still on an instant gratification rush. I cut this top out last week and finished it on Monday night in time for my birthday celebrations on Tuesday.

This pattern was very simple. It consists of 5 pieces and fitting is very simple, I sewed this straight out of the envelope, cutting a medium (size 14-16). 

The fabric is a lovely silky satin that was a present from my godmother when visiting France last May. It  is quite slippery and live, which probably added a little bit of extra time to the construction process, as did the french seams. I finished the hem and armholes with bias binding. I used sew in interfacing for the collar as I had run out of iron-on and am having a stash-busting January. However, I think that this works really well with the floatiness of the fabric and stops the collar being too stiff. 

I think that I prefer this tucked in? Or maybe I like that this top looks nice either way depending on my mood.

I really love this top - fab addition to my wardrobe. I love how quick this is to make and it's great to have something that requires little effort but produces a large reward. 

The only thing that I found very slightly taxing is easing in the collar facing, although I expect that the 'live' fabric made this harder. For some reason 'easing in' always puts me out of my comfort zone. Whenever I sew anything that requires easing in, I finish, take my foot off of the pedal and realise that I have broken into a sweat. Does anyone else have a sewing task that makes them do the same?

Not sure what I am going to sew next - I am still in stash-busting mode. I am going to take some patterns to cut out when I am at my sewing group this week and see what takes my fancy. 

My review on Pattern Review can been seen here

Happy Sewing!


  1. Yay I finally found your blog! :) Plus I also finally get to see the finished projects which is fantastic. Great top, the other ones look lovely too of course. I'll just browse a little more :) Speak soon! MJ

  2. Making this today. Hope mine turns out as great!

  3. Great Job !!


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