1969 Jiffy Dress

Pattern Review: Simplicity 1059

I am out the other side of my huge work event that happened in May and have really been enjoying spending time with my sewing machine :-) I wanted some instant gratification and went with Simplicity 1059 which also happens to be on my 2019MakeNine list. 

I went for View B without sleeves (obviously). I cut a size 16 and made minimal changes except to take 3 inches off the hem and bring up the centre front of the bodice. The pattern indicates a very deep hem (2.5") but for instant gratification sake I overlocked the raw edge of the hem, turned it up and zig-zagged to finish.

The fabric was bought years ago in during a work trip to Boston. It is an ITY print that is super comfy to wear. The fabric hides all the small details of the dress such as the shoulder pleats, As it is a stretch fabric I omitted the the centre back zip. 

This is a really simple pattern that took not time to sew up. The only thing that made me scratch my head was attaching the facing to the front. Every time I have to 'break the stitches' I can never quite work out how I can get the V to sit neat. I wore this dress with high heels to wedding reception and it has also gone into a firm rotation in my work wardrobe. 

I would definitely recommend this pattern for anyone wanting a quick pattern to sew up. It is loose fitting so no fitting required! I have a couple more stash busters on the sewing table. 

You can see my pattern review here

Happy sewing!


  1. I've had my eye on this pattern for a long time. Nice to know it can work just as well in a knit. I love the print and your shoes!!!!

  2. Love this dress! I recently made it in a woven and found that the zipper was not necessary there either. Did you size down to make it in the knit?


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